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Top Five Healthy Habits for Beautiful and Glowing Skin

beautiful skin

The beauty product industry is flourishing by leaps and bounds these days as a large section of people spend a fortune on skincare products hoping to achieve beautiful and glowing skin. However, they fail to comprehend that one should follow a good skincare routine to get healthy and beautiful skin. Studies have found that daily […]

Five Skin Care Tips You Can Follow to Rejuvenate Your Skin

Skin Care

When you have to choose from countless skin-care options, it is quite natural for you to get confused. You go to any cosmetics or skin-care products and beauty products shop, and you will find it challenging to figure out the right product for your skin due to unlimited brands on display. It is not easy […]

Every Trick You Need To Learn To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Dark circles around the eyes are something that bothers many people. Also known as periorbital dark circles, they develop due to many factors, some of which stays for a lifetime and some can be managed. Generally, people blame lack of sleep, stress, worries, exhaustion, workload or constant eyes on the computer for dark circles. But […]

Why Sun Protection Products are Essential to Avoid Sun’s UV Rays?

Sunscreens and SPFs play an important role to maintain our skin’s appearance and overall health. It is crucial to wear sunscreen every day and make it a part of our regular skincare regime. When your skin is exposed to the UltraViolet rays of the sun, the exposure to sun rays will damage your skin beyond […]

هل تعاني من تساقط الشعر؟ إليك أسباب وعلاجات هذه المشكلة

إذا كنت تعانين من تساقط الشعر المفرط، فنحن نعرف شعور القلق الذي يمكن أن تسببه لك هذا الموضوع، فعلى الرغم من أن تساقط الشعر مشكلة منتشرة يواجهها الكثير من الناس بغض النظر عن العمر والجنس إلا أنها لا تزال مصدر قلق وتوتر للكثيرين وأحيانا الاكتئاب وانخفاض الثقة و خاصة في الآونة الأخيرة وذلك بسبب سوء […]

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